For Immediate Release
CA Department of Aging Announces Newly Designated ADRCs
California Department of Aging announced the newly Designated and Emerging Aging and Disability Resource Connections (ADRC) that will help kick off the 2022 New Year. Designated ADRCs are established partnerships of local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and Independent Living Centers (ILC) that have satisfactorily met a robust set of specified key indicators. Kern County Aging and Disability Resource Connection (Kern ADRC) co-partners are Independent Living Center of Kern County (ILCKC) and Kern County Aging and Adult Services. For more information, please go to the Aging and Disability Resource Connection webpage or contact [email protected].
ADRC partnerships assist in the development of a more integrated, person-centered system for older adults and persons with disabilities to access available services in their communities. Through these efforts, ADRCs will serve roughly one half of the state’s population. The ADRC program serves older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers with information and access to available long-term services and supports (LTSS) at the local level.
California’s Designated ADRCs (15): Central South Los Angeles (New), Kern County (New), Marin County, Monterey County (New), Mother Lode (Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Tuolumne Counties) (New), Nevada County, Orange County Placer County (New), Riverside County, San Benito County (New), San Bernardino County (New), San Francisco County, Ventura County, Yolo County (New), Yuba and Sutter Counties (New).
Emerging ADRCs (9): Alameda County, Butte and Glenn Counties (New), Central Coast (Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo) (New), Humboldt County (New), Imperial County (New), Sacramento County (New), San Mateo County (New), Solano County (New), Sonoma County.
Kern County ADRC empowers individuals to consider all available options, make informed decisions, and access community Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) to help meet personal goals for independence. Based on the principle of the Federal “no wrong door” system of entry, ADRCs build on the strength of existing community agencies.
Working together as Kern ADRC, Kern County Aging and Adult Services and Independent Living Center of Kern County, will provide a more coordinated system of information and access for all persons seeking LTSS. Kern ADRC, along with its extended partner organizations, will minimize confusion, enhance individual choice, and support informed, decision-making.
For more information on Kern County ADRC, please call (661) 325-1063.
Contact: Independent Living Center of Kern County
Telephone: (661) 325-1063
Email address: [email protected]